The cock crows and the dawn chorus begins. 雄鸡报晓,鸟儿欢叫。
The dawn chorus used to wake me up every morning when I was in the country. 过去我在乡下时,每天早晨都在众鸟齐鸣中醒来。
The characteristic cry of a rooster early in the morning. The dawn chorus used to wake me up every morning when I was in the country. 鸡啼声清晨公鸡特有的鸣叫过去我在乡下时,每天早晨都在众鸟齐鸣中醒来。
Waking to the dawn chorus was an especial joy as night faded and the sky grew light heralding a brand new day. 当夜色褪去,醒来就听到清晨鸟语是一件特别快乐的事。天空放亮,预示着崭新的一天开始了。